New podcast episode: Diving Deeper into Individualized Living Arrangements
Summer Foundation Focus – November 2024
Expression of interest to join our Innovation Council
Annual Public Forum 2024 wrap up
On Thursday 17 October 2024 we gathered to have an important conversation about increasing housing and living options for people with disability in Australia.
If you missed the event, you can watch the full recording of the forum below.
Aged Care Bill 2024 – Submission by the Summer Foundation
New podcast episode: Exclusive Interview with NDIA CEO: Explaining the Changes to the NDIS
Summer Foundation Focus – September 2024
Summer Foundation will design better housing and living solutions for Australians with disability who need access to 24/7 support, here’s why
New podcast episode: NDIS Individualised Living Options: Beyond the group home model
Media release: Summer Foundation report shows promising examples of innovation in housing and living support for people with disability
Announcement of new Board members
Lists of ‘eligible supports’ could be a backwards step for the NDIS and people with disability
New podcast episode: Narrowing our NDIS: Are “support lists” an innovation killer?
Disability and older Australian advocates demand NSW government make residential accessibility standards mandatory
New podcast episode: Deep Dive with Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosemary Kayess
Stop housing discrimination in NSW
Christie Lewis facing big damage repair bill because her rental home wasn’t big enough for her wheelchair
Christie Lewis has been on a waiting list for accessible housing in Western Australia for more than 7 years.
New podcast episode: Amending the NDIS Bill: What’s Happened, What’s Missing & What’s Next?
The government is not on track to get every younger person out of aged care by next year. What now?
In an article for The Conversation, Summer Foundation CEO Dr Di Winkler welcomed the 31% decrease in the numbers of younger people in aged care but said it was largely due to people dying or ageing out of the YPIRAC cohort.
New podcast episode: Planned changes to the NDIS unpacked with Senator Steele-John
Summer Foundation submission on the NDIS Amendment Bill
Summer Foundation Research team presents at ASSBI conference
Meet Rick – planning for success
Summer Foundation Focus – May 2024
Push for NSW and WA to join national accessible building code to future-proof housing for ageing population
New research by the Summer Foundation has found that the construction sector is optimistic about implementing national accessibility design standards.
Choice and control: will NDIS reforms mean people with disability don’t get to decide who they live with?
The Summer Foundation’s Dr Winkler and Prof Douglas discuss the NDIS Review recommendations in their latest article for The Conversation.
Changes to the NDIS Act Explained with Expert Lawyers
Mainstream NDIS providers failed Will, so he built his own support service for neurodiverse people to game together
He struggled through school, feared he wouldn’t have coped at university, and lives with a genetic condition, but Will Golding has used his disability to create his dream career.
Reviewing successful hospital discharge for people with acquired disability and complex support needs
Vital aged care reforms planned for 1 July 2024 will be delayed
Meet the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce
Meet an occupational therapist making real-world changes
Highest honours awarded to La Trobe Distinguished Alumni
Summer Foundation’s CEO and founder Dr Di Winkler AM has been presented with a 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award from La Trobe University.
As new legislation looms, here’s the latest on the future of the NDIS
Building an evidence-based multi-level system of quality disability support for adults with acquired neurological disability
Deep Dive into the NDIS Review – Part 2: Assessments, Navigators and Psychosocial supports
NDIS Quarterly Report reveals latest statistics of young people in aged care
Deep Dive into the NDIS Review – Part 1: What happened to participant choice and control?
Hospital to Home moves to Housing Hub
Summer Foundation Focus – February 2024
Meet Julia
Summer Foundation launches new co-design project
Happy New Year from Lisa Davis
Your Guide to the NDIS Review: Experts Have Their Say
Summer Foundation Focus – December 2023
International Day of People with Disability: Meet disability advocate, Lynne
Reasonable & Necessary podcast – NDIS and the Law: Interview with Natalie Wade, Equality Lawyers
Q and A with Annual Public Forum panelist, Samar Bain
Annual Public Forum 2023
Reasonable & Necessary podcast – NDIS Review: Big Changes Revealed with Co-Chairs Bruce and Lisa
Reasonable & Necessary podcast – Disability Royal Commission: Interview with Former Commissioner Alastair McEwin
Summer Foundation Focus – October 2023
The disability royal commission recommendations could fix some of the worst living conditions – but that’s just the start
After more than four years and many traumatic stories, the disability royal commission’s final report was released this morning. Included in its 6,845 pages are 222 recommendations.
Empowering perspectives: Insights from the National Disability Summit
Redesigning NDIS 2.0 with Simon Duffy, an international perspective – Reasonable & Necessary podcast
Brain injury is more than you see, feel and think – it’s Brain Injury Awareness Week!
Summer Foundation Focus – August 2023
Challenging NDIS decisions: Expert advice to get the support you need – Reasonable & Necessary podcast
UpSkill update: New hospital discharge and NDIA workshops
Legal win allows man to live alone after court win and two-year battle with NDIS
A Logan man has had a groundbreaking victory against the NDIA after it tried unsuccessfully to kick him out of his one-bedroom unit and force him into a share house to cut costs.
Summer Foundation Focus – June
Profile – Meet Kelly Maskell
NDIS review to recommend ‘big shifts’, will consider what constitutes ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports
The NDIS review is being urged by disability providers to reconsider eligibility criteria for the scheme and prioritise early intervention for autistic children to prevent “increased reliance” on the NDIS throughout their lives, as part of more than 700 submissions made to the review of the $40 billion scheme.
NDIS Review: Exclusive First Interview with Co-Chairs Bruce and Lisa – Reasonable & Necessary podcast
Australians living with disability enter aged care as last resort
Three disability advocacy groups — Synapse, Youngcare and the Summer Foundation — have penned a letter to National Disability Insurance Minister Bill Shorten, Aged Care Minister Anika Wells and Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth, to address growing concerns of young Australians living with disability being placed into aged care.
Get young disabled out of nursing homes, Shorten told
A coalition of disability organisations is warning the government is on track to fail its target of having no young disabled people in nursing homes by 2025 and has called for a clear plan to achieve the goal recommended by the Royal Commission into aged care.
NDIS Budget 2023: Cuts & Caps, Targets & Reforms with Bill Shorten
The budget includes $7.3 million to get more young people out of aged care homes. Is it enough?
Source: The Conversation | Author: Di Winkler
Just over three years ago, then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the federal government would finally solve the issue of young people with disability having to live in nursing homes. The government developed a strategy and committed to getting all young people out of aged care facilities by 2025.“I feel that offering feedback in an NDIS review process is an important contribution”
Summer Foundation Focus – April
Welcome to our new-look bi-monthly newsletter – Summer Foundation Focus.
Our role at the Summer Foundation is to influence others to change the systems that lead to young people living in aged care.
We are very keen to work with the Federal Government to stop the flow of young people into aged care.
New podcast episode: How to get great outcomes from your NDIS plan – A Self-management Deep Dive
Xavier has been ready to leave hospital for months. But with nowhere else to go, he’s stuck
Source: The Age – Henrietta Cook | Photo: Xavier Edwards and his father, Jase, in the Royal Children’s Hospital – Photographer: Wayne Taylor
Xavier Edwards has been stuck in hospital for 12 months and just wants to go home.Connor is now living in SDA
Too many young dying in aged care
More than 10,000 younger people have died in residential aged care over the past decade, with new figures prompting calls for the government to implement ambitious timeframes to get people under 65 out of aged care and into suitable accommodation.
Meet Daniel
People with disabilities in group homes are suffering shocking abuse. New housing models could prevent harm
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was designed to be a market-based system that would shift power from government and providers to consumers.
Meet Samar
Meet the new CEO of the NDIA – Exclusive first interview with Rebecca Falkingham
Annual Public Forum 2022
UpSkill training for 2023
Welcome to our Summer 2022 Update
Free-up of NDIS beds ‘saves states millions’
The government’s plan to clear hospital beds by getting National Disability Insurance Scheme participants discharged sooner is saving the states “literally millions of dollars every day”, and a “frank” conversation is needed over how they can do more to support young disabled Australians, NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says.
The Canberrans languishing in nursing homes and hospital beds
Aida Janssen has lived a tough life. She was 12 when a bomb blast in her native Lebanon left her paralysed, the shrapnel causing scars which are still visible. At 29 she would get to live out a dream of moving to Australia, where she would settle in Canberra and start a family.
International Day of People with Disability: How do you think about disability?
Government fails to meet first targets for moving younger people out of aged care
Younger people with disability are still living in residential aged care facilities as updates reveal key targets to move them into community settings with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) support have not been met.
Cut NDIS waiting times to 10 days: MP
Waiting times for specialist disability accommodation would be slashed from the average of 125 days to just 10, under proposed NDIS reforms.
Everyone is talking about the NDIS – we spoke to participants and asked them how to fix it
Last week’s budget revealed the rapidly escalating costs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and rekindled fears among people with disability about its sustainability.
“The buck stops at Bill Shorten”: participants plead for NDIS fix
Participants say the NDIS is not delivering on its key purpose, but the government’s review provides an opportunity to go back to the drawing board.
Red tape means homes for NDIS left empty
More than 3000 properties for Australians with disabilities are sitting empty while NDIS participants languish in hospitals, group homes or aged care centres awaiting tick-offs from the agency.
Supporting choice and control when a person has behaviours that concern us
DATE: Wednesday 30 November 2022,11am
Learn about supporting people who have behaviours of concern, understand some of the common causes to behaviour and understand the link between positive behaviour support, human rights and improving quality of life.
Challenges to timely discharge for NDIS participants in hospital
DATE: Monday 5 December 2022, 11am
We will discuss the challenges to timely discharge for NDIS participants stuck in hospital and share strategies to address these challenges.
NDIS Chair Kurt Fearnley reveals all in this exclusive interview
When NDIS services turn bad – Interview with NDIS Commissioner Tracy Mackey
In this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr. George speaks with NDIS Commissioner Tracy Mackey about what you can do if you are unhappy with your NDIS services, including how to deal with unregistered providers, and how you can make a complaint to the commissioner.
Welcome to our Spring 2022 Update
Board of Directors update
The Summer Foundation would like to thank Selina Short for her service as a Director on the Summer Foundation board. Selina joined the Board on 17 November 2020.
We wish Selina the very best and thank her warmly for her service to Summer Foundation.
‘They treat you like a person, they ask you what you want’: what NDIS participants value in support workers
When the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was established almost a decade ago, it was envisaged people with disability would be empowered consumers. It was hoped their customer insights would shape new services designed to meet their specific needs and preferences.
What does good NDIS support look like? – Participants tell all
In this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George speaks with Megan Topping (La Trobe University PhD research student) and Carl Thompson (NDIS participant and director of support coordination provider ‘Sort Your Support’) about what NDIS participants really want from support workers.
NDIS delays contributing to hospital bed shortage
We’ve all heard about the shortage of hospital beds across the country but in fact, there are hundreds that could be available if they weren’t being used by patients who are technically well enough to go home but can’t.
NDIS deep dive: Interview with Minister Bill Shorten
In the latest episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George Taleporos speaks to new NDIS Minister Bill Shorten . He discusses what he’s learned about the NDIS since taking over, and what he’s going to do to rebuild it now that he’s in charge.
NDIS participants are left waiting for too long in hospital beds due to bureaucratic delays
Eighteen months ago, a Melbourne woman named Leila had a stroke and went to a local hospital. After medical support over a few weeks, Leila was ready to be discharged from the hospital, but required some specialist support due to her disability.
Hospital patients wait to be discharged in NDIS ‘bed block’
Taxpayers are paying tens of millions of dollars for healthy patients who are stranded in Victorian public hospital beds due to a bureaucratic mess.
What the NDIS needs to do to rebuild trust, in the words of the people who use it
It is nearing ten years since the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was legislated in the dying days of the Gillard government.
UpSkill Training – upcoming workshops
Our Relationships with the NDIS – what makes them work or fall apart?
Research by the Summer Foundation and La Trobe University points to the breaking down of the relationship between NDIS participants and the NDIA.
Welcome to our Winter 2022 Update
Melbourne woman with cerebral palsy fights to stay in her home after NDIS funding cut
A Melbourne woman with cerebral palsy is fighting to stay in her home just a year after moving in because the agency running the national disability insurance scheme has decided her funding is no longer “value for money”.
Funding delays keep NDIS participants in hospital months longer than necessary, report finds
Government data shows 1,140 participants are stuck in hospital waiting for housing funding or other support before they can be released.
Disabled Victorians forced to wait in hospital beds due to NDIS delays
The state government has revealed that more than 200 Victorians with a disability were stuck in hospital for an average of 160 days after they were well enough to be discharged, and blamed the hold-up on the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Discussion paper: On-site shared support in Specialist Disability Accommodation
This paper draws on the evidence provided by a series of workshops and interviews with on-site support providers, SDA providers, and tenants living in SDA apartments.
We are seeking input from support providers for improving the report and the recommendations. Please contact us by 30 June 2022.
NDIS participants like Alicia stuck in hospitals waiting for homes as specialist housing sits vacant, advocacy groups say
Alicia Appleby is 38 years old but she’s been living in a geriatric ward in a Melbourne hospital for more than 260 days. Ms Appleby has had two strokes, has a mild intellectual disability and needs constant care.
Younger people in aged care is a problem: will the government keep its stated commitment?
Australia has over 3,400 younger people living in aged care, due to a lack of timely funding for viable alternatives. Younger people living in aged care lose skills, social connection and hope. The federal government has committed to getting them out – but its targets will be difficult to achieve.
‘It’s shown me how independent I can be’ – housing designed for people with disabilities reduces the help needed
The federal government has been warning that the rising cost of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is unsustainable.
‘I wanted my independence’: How Connor took on the NDIS and won
Connor Brookhouse didn’t want to live in a group disability home. So he appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and won.
Why are so many people stuck in hospital waiting for NDIS decisions?
Summer Foundation announces new Chairman and our response to NDIS Changes to Home and Living Supports
We are pleased to announce the new chair of Summer Foundation, Chris Leptos AM as Chairman Elect for the Summer Foundation. Chris is an experienced Director with a wealth of international corporate roles.
Hopes Federal Budget will recognise importance of funding for people with disability
The Federal Budget is due to be delivered tomorrow night and many people with disability could benefit from funding if advocates’ demands are met.
Welcome to our Autumn 2022 Update
Campaign aims to bring long wait for NDIS housing down to ten days
Thousands of people with disability are waiting far too long for approval for the housing they need, causing stress and impacting their health, the members of a new campaign say.
NDIA under pressure to end delays and get participants out of hospitals and aged care homes
The Morrison government is under pressure to end the bureaucratic delays being blamed for confining NDIS participants to hospital beds or forcing them into aged care homes.
Federal budget 2022: $54 million plan to get NDIS participants out of hospital pitched to Morrison government
The pre-election federal budget should include an extra $50 million to help get NDIS participants out of hospital and into suitable housing, according to a leading advocacy group.
How people with disability can access free rapid antigen tests
Despite Govt claims, the number of younger people living in aged care has barely dropped
As Aged Care News reported in November, utilising RACFs as accommodation for younger people, most of whom have a physical or intellectual disability, has come at a terrible cost to their wellbeing.
Hundreds of younger people with disability still living in nursing homes as deadlines approach
– Anna Christian
A newly released report shows the Government is still short of its target to have no one younger than 45 living in nursing homes, and no one younger than 65 entering aged care, by 2022.
Managing ourselves in a COVID world
People with disability break free from aged care
Source: ABC News | Author: Nas Campanella
Almost 4,000 young Australians with disability live in aged care too, and advocates say a broken system is preventing any progress on finding them somewhere else to live.Summer 2021 news update
Million Dollar Vax impact
Media release: Australian Disability Strategy 2021-2031
Annual Public Forum 2021
Rotation of Summer Foundation Directors
Welcome to our spring update
UpSkill Directory Launch: Connecting and supporting people with disability
Impact investors in disability housing call for stronger market stewardship by the NDIA
Source: Pro Bono | Author: Sabina Curatolo & Di Winkler
A new industry report on investment funds in the specialist disability accommodation market highlights the need for greater government oversight to increase investor confidence, write Di Winkler and Sabina Curatolo.Building a sustainable SDA market
$2.5b disability housing sector set to explode in size
Source: Australian Financial Review | Author: Michael Bleby
Specialist housing for disabled people, which has grown from nothing into a $2.5 billion asset class in just five years, is poised to expand a further fivefold in response to demand for housing that meets the needs of an estimated 28,000 young people, a new industry report shows.A new person-centred model for the NDIS
Supporting accessible housing supply in rural and remote markets
Candid interview with NDIA CEO: Independent assessments and more
Welcome to our 2021 Winter Update
Media release: COVID-19 vaccination to all NDIS participants and carers
Welcome Home webinars launched
Summer Foundation strengthens Board with new appointment
Construction Code Changes Can Future-Proof Homes
Source: The Urban Developer | Author: Di Winkler
Australia’s building ministers at their meeting on April 30 decided to include minimum accessibility standards in the 2022 National Construction Code (NCC).
Accessibility becomes the new standard
Source: Probono Australia | Author: Di Winkler & Peter Mulherin
Australia’s building ministers have decided to include accessible design features in the National Construction Code. Di Winkler and Peter Mulherin look at what that means.
Only accessible housing will meet the needs of an ageing population
Source: Probono Australia | Author: Di Winkler & Peter Mulherin
This Friday, Australia’s Building Ministers will choose whether accessibility standards will be voluntary or mandatory in the 2022 National Construction Code.
Welcome Home: SDA compliance education package set to launch
Housing the key to more efficient hospital discharge
A new Summer Foundation resource is the first step in finding housing and moving patients with disability along the hospital discharge pathway more efficiently.
Summer Foundation submission: Inquiry into Independent Assessments
The Summer Foundation believes that the proposed midyear rollout of independent assessments should be postponed and an evidence based pilot, co-designed with people with disability, disability organisations and other experts in the field implemented.
The Aged Care Royal Commission wants younger people out of aged care but what are their accommodation options?
Source: ABC Radio National with Fran Kelly | Reporter: Eleni Psaltis | Image: James Hancock
Aged Care Royal Commission final report recommendations welcomed by disability advocacy organisations
Mandatory building standards would ensure senior housing needs are met
Source: Australian Ageing Agenda | Author: Di Winkler
Our ageing population demands more accessible housing, writes Dr Di Winkler.
Time to future proof Australian housing
Source: Probono Australia | Author: Di Winkler and Peter Mulherin
Only a mandatory approach to accessibility standards will future-proof Australia’s housing…
Understanding accessibility features
Specialist disability accommodation – Pipeline of supply
Source: ProBono | Author: Dr Di Winkler and Alecia Rathbone
People with high or complex disability support needs have traditionally had extremely…
At home, marks from my father’s wheelchair were everywhere. We must improve accessible housing.
Source: The Guardian | Author: Caro Llewellyn
My childhood was spent navigating my father’s disability. Then I was told I was facing…
SDA set to meet appetite for impact investment opportunities
Emerging disability housing market meeting appetite for impact investment at scale
Source: Pro Bono | Author: Dr Di Winker & Dr Peter Mulherin
Summer Foundation welcomes new Board members
A new era begins for younger people in aged care
Source: Australian Ageing Agenda | Author: Amelia Condi
There’s support for aged care providers as they transition to NDIS and start providing more choice and control for people with disability, writes Amelia Condi.
Annual Public Forum 2020
Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations welcomed by disability advocacy organisations
YPIRAC is a wicked problem that can only be solved by working across sectors
Source: Probono Australia | Author: Di Winkler
About SDA – online information sessions for WA and QLD
Response to the Support Coordination Discussion Paper
Welcome to our 2020 spring update
Action on reducing younger people in aged care welcomed
Tasmania Housing Options Workshops
NDIS purpose-built home for Ipswich Jets fan the ‘ultimate goal’ for independent living
Source: ABC News | Author: Baz Ruddick/strong>
It sounds like a simple thing for most of us — an independent life, living in a house that is set up for our purpose.$25,000 community inclusion grant to empower young people with disability
This woman is concerned people living with disabilities will be left behind after COVID-19
Source: SBS News
Sam Petersen is one of many Australians living with disability who has difficulties accessing personal protective equipment, such as face masks.PPE online stores to meet needs of people with disability
Calls for Australia’s disability carers to get the same coronavirus protections as aged care workers
Source: SBS News | Author: Maani Truu
Days after a disability worker in Victoria died after contracting COVID-19, advocates are calling for urgent action.Private sector flocks to specialist disability accommodation
Source: Australian Financial Review | Author: Michael Bleby
The pipeline of new homes developed with National Disability Insurance Scheme funding has jumped by 50 per cent over the past 12 months, the latest report by the Summer Foundation and Social Ventures Australia…Confidence strong, but still significant unmet need in disability housing market
Tom Butler Q & A
‘Progress’ made to get younger people out of nursing homes
Source: Sydney Morning Herald | Author: Judith Ireland
Why Not-For-Profits need to look beyond successful pilot programs
Not-for-profits need more than just a successful pilot program to influence government and achieve systemic…
Summer Foundation 2020-21 Pre-Budget submission
First look at state-of-the-art Mt Colah disability housing
Source: The Daily Telegraph | Author: Madelaine Wong
New artist impressions have been released, depicting the final product of a multimillion-dollar development supporting disability needs in Mt Colah.
Support for NDIS review report
Five times Australian charities made a difference through advocacy in 2019
Plea to help people in disability homes
Colin Hiscoe has a simple request for the disability royal commission – please help.
Housing for people with disabilities: what needs to happen
Ahead of giving evidence to the Disability Royal Commission hearing in Melbourne…
‘I’ve got a new life’: what it means to leave aged care for a younger person
After spending three years and eight months in an aged care facility, Mario Amato…
Government vows to remove young people with disability from aged care
The Morrison government has pledged there will be no young people with disability living in residential aged care by 2022.
New initiatives to stop younger people going into aged care by 2022
Government response to interim report from the Aged Care Royal Commission handed down
PM promises “last change for a new generation” in Australia’s aged care sector, but experts warn there’s much more to be done
new targets to stop young people with disabilities being placed into aged care
NDIS training held at Broadmeadows
Northern Health has partnered with the Summer Foundation to up skill our staff in how we work with the NDIS…
2019 Allen Martin Research Scholarship winners announced
The Housing Hub is helping fill the void in disability housing
New website makes it easier for people with disabilities to find suitable accommodation.
Younger people with disability need to be removed from aged care
Advocacy organisations welcome Aged Care Royal Commission Interim Report
Summer Foundation leadership change
Where to next for royal commissions? Try social issues.
Annual public forum 2019
Allen Martin Research Scholarship 2019
ROYAL COMMISSION: Government repeating the same mistakes as in 2006
accommodation shortfall for young people in aged care royal commission hears
‘No leadership’ on aged care
Get All young out of aged care: commission
A federal government plan will not do enough to stop the pipeline of younger people ending up in aged care and help those already “lost” in nursing homes, a royal commission…
Stop The Pipeline Of Young People Into Aged Care
There is a “pipeline” of young people moving from hospital to residential aged care, and often other options are not even…
Bureaucrat faces grilling over young people in aged care
Young should not be in aged care: inquiry
Aged care for young people ‘a human rights issue’
Aged care a sentence for 21-year-old man
Aged Care Inquiry
Aged care a sentence for 21-year-old man
ROYAL COMMISSION: People not covered by NDIS aren’t eligible for YPIRAC initiative
MP Pat Conroy cites local case studies in federal parliament to highlight problems in aged and home care
Aged care is ‘punishment’ for the young
aged care forum to focus on young people
Neale Radley speaks at Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
Aged care system a ‘national disgrace’, commissioner Lynelle Briggs says
Aged Care Royal Commission – Younger residents testify
Those stuck in the system continue to share their stories
‘My nightmare’: Wife reveals late husband’s harrowing aged care experience aged 56
‘Every day I felt like killing myself’: the young in aged care speak at the royal commission
ROYAL COMMISSION: Aged care isn’t appropriate for young people with disability
‘It felt like a prison’: Young people in aged care facilities
The Aged Care Royal Commission is an opportunity to permanently eliminate the need for young people to enter residential aged care
“My Number One Goal Is To Get The F*#@ Out Of The Nursing Home”
Young in aged care a ‘national disgrace’
Aged care system dubbed a ‘national disgrace’ in royal commission inquest
Young people neglected in aged care ‘hell’
Why 6000 younger Australians are living in aged care
‘Prison sentence’: 6000 young Australians stranded in nursing homes
Royal Commission hearings shed light on experiences of young people with disability in aged care
‘My one goal is to get out’ disabled woman tells Aged Care Royal Commission
Six young Australians a day forced into nursing homes
Royal commission slams governments for ‘shocking’ life endured by young in aged care
Royal Commission Into Aged Care Turns Attention To Young People
Aged care royal commission hears young people with disabilities are ‘hidden’ by system
Younger people with a disability should not be forced to live in nursing homes…
Young stuck in aged care in rural areas
Woman, 43, living in nursing home wants out
Lisa Corcoran desperately wants to be able to hug her children again – and to get the hell out of a nursing home.
Royal commission focuses on younger people in aged care
Too many young Australians are still stuck in nursing homes
43-year-old woman desperately wants to get out of a nursing home.
‘It felt like a prison’ – too many young Australians are still stuck in nursing homes
Young people with disabilities are trapped in nursing homes
‘Brutal’ life for young in aged care homes
Nursing home a ‘sentence’ for young man
James Nutt, 35, views his years in a nursing home as a “sentence”.
New portable homes for people with disabilities
In an effort to keep young people with disabilities out of aged care facilities, the Summer Foundation has recently launched…
Horsham’s Oscars Building launches portable homes for people with disabilities
From crisis to opportunity: local disability sector steps up to support disability workforce
Portable housing prototype for people with disability
Federal Government announce funding for NDIS workforce
Rapid Interim Housing prototype on show in Geelong
Podcast: Luke Bo’sher on… Being an NDIS true believer
Where to next for SDA?
How can improvements to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) landscape be made to deliver high quality housing…