Group 3

Join us for our Annual Public Forum 2024.

At this year’s Annual Public Forum, we’ll get together in-person and online to talk about housing and living for people with disability who need access to 24/7 support. We will focus on the reforms that are needed to fulfil the NDIS promise in housing and living and look at what role innovation can play.  

Our research

Research helps us understand the pathways for young people in aged care and provide the evidence needed to create systems change to solve this problem. 

Our research team consists of academics and clinicians working on over 20 projects across the disability, health, and housing sectors, and collaborating with universities and government. These findings are regularly published in reports, conferences, and peer-reviewed manuscripts.

a young person in aged care wth disability being interviewed by a researcher

*31 December 2023: gen-agedcaredata.gov.au

The issue – Young people in aged care

Today in Australia, 1,470 young people with disability under 65 years of age are forced to live in aged care. The issue is complex and crosses multiple settings and sectors, including housing, disability and health.

Young people end up in aged care when disability and health services don’t work together in a timely way. Some of these people are aged in their 30s and 40s, living with people in their 80s. They rarely see family or friends and it is common for them to lose skills and independence. 

Latest news

Stop housing discrimination in NSW

A new campaign has been launched to stop the New South Wales Government discriminating against people with disability and older Australians. The NSW Government is one of only 2 state governments that have refused to sign up to mandatory accessibility standards for new houses.
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At the start it was hard for me to talk about myself, but I loved it, it gives you a chance to tell your story and help some people along the way.

— Daniel Black, a man who previously lived in RAC

Thanks for the Staying Connected page. I found it useful and uplifting to know we are all in this together and great to read other people’s stories.

— Salote, a person with disability

It is great to attend training that is relevant and can be applied to work practice with knowledgeable facilitators.

— Bridie West, Support Coordinator

I had no confidence in my ability to support someone through this process [SDA] but now I know I can after yesterday’s training.

— Lisa Davis, Support Coordinator

Kate’s story

Kate was 34 when she went to live in aged care. She was there for 15 months. 

James’ story

“You might make a friend or acquaintance, but the next week they’re dead. A 21-year-old should not be losing the people around them like that.”

Andrew’s story

Andrew was told:
“You are an Aboriginal man, you have a degenerative disease, you may as well continue in a system you are going to end up in.”