Group 3

Get building SDA

Our Get Building SDA initiative has been launched in regional NSW.

Get Building SDA aims to increase the number of SDA properties for NDIS participants and, as a result, increase the hours of Supported Independent Living (SIL) delivered in NSW.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that has been specially designed to suit the needs of people who have an ‘extreme functional impairment’ or ‘very high support needs’.

We estimate that Australia needs more than 12,000 new SDA places to meet demand from people with very high support needs who will receive an NDIS SDA payment. Only a fraction of the SDA that is needed across Australia has been built.

So, starting in regional NSW, Get Building SDA aims to get close to 100 new SDA builds underway by 2020.

We are holding 14 information sessions across regional NSW to give people the information and tools they need to Get Building SDA. Intensive mentoring will be offered to some attendees and enduring resources are being created to support people on their SDA journey.

Five showcase events will also allow SDA providers to connect with NDIS participants who are likely to be eligible for SDA, their families, carers and support providers.

Get Building SDA is a joint initiative between the Summer Foundation and Disability Services Consulting, with funding support from the NSW Department of Industry under the Smart, Skilled and Hired: Disability Sector Scale Up program.

Check out the website at http://getbuildingsda.org.au/

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