Welcome to our latest newsletter.
It has been a busy few months at the Summer Foundation as we celebrate the launch of a new co-design project. The purpose of the project is to co-design resources to build the capacity of NDIS participants, providers and supporters so they can exercise better choice and control over their supports.
We’re also gearing up for our Annual Public Forum on 2 November where we’ll look at how home and living supports can be transformed so they truly meet the needs of people with disability. We’re delighted to welcome host Elizabeth Wright, who is the disability affairs reporter at the ABC and a Paralympian.
It’s good to be able to share 2 stories that show the overwhelmingly positive impact on people’s lives of living in the right housing. I’m proud that the Summer Foundation has been able to help Xavier and Brendon move towards their housing goals. Read about these, and more in this month’s Summer Foundation Focus.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Annual Public Forum in November.
CEO & Founder, Di Winkler
View all articles in this issue

Join our Annual Public Forum on 2 November
Co-design project: Support within disability housing
What we said to the NDIS Review
Profile – Brendon’s story
At home with Xavier
Successful moves for RAC Engagement
Dr. Megan Topping receives Nancy Millis Medal for PhD thesis
Events Roundup August – September