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Summer Foundation Focus – November 2024
Welcome to our September newsletter.
Welcome to our last SF Focus for 2024.
The past couple of months have been momentous for the Summer Foundation as we have relaunched with renewed and refocused purpose.

Summer Foundation Focus – September 2024
Welcome to our September newsletter.
It’s a busy and exciting time for the Summer Foundation as we refocus our work on designing better housing and living solutions for Australians with disability who need access to 24/7 support.

Summer Foundation Focus – July 2024
Welcome to our July newsletter.
The Building Better Homes Campaign is calling on the NSW Government to end housing discrimination against people with disability and older Australians in NSW. For the past two years the NSW Government is one of only two state governments that has refused to sign up to the liveability and accessibility standards mandated in the National Construction Code

Summer Foundation Focus – May 2024
Welcome to our May newsletter.
While new legislation is urgently needed to get the NDIS back on track, these changes are also creating uncertainty for people with disability and families. The Summer Foundation is working to make sure that NDIS 2.0 works for people with disability who need access to 24/7 support.

Summer Foundation Focus – February 2024
Welcome to the first edition of our bi-monthly newsletter for 2024.
We go into the new year with renewed enthusiasm and determination to see more positive housing outcomes for young people with disability and those who support them.

Summer Foundation Focus – December 2023
Welcome to the December edition of our bi-monthly newsletter.
The year ends on a high with the state and federal governments agreeing at National Cabinet to work together to improve the lives of people with disability, and the release of the NDIS Review final report and recommendations.

Summer Foundation Focus – October 2023
Welcome to the October edition of our bi-monthly newsletter.
It’s a particularly busy time of year for us as we ramp up for our Annual Public Forum, which is being held on Thursday 2 November.
Summer Foundation Focus – August 2023
Welcome to the August edition of our bi-monthly newsletter.
Featuring news about recent significant developments in our work to ensure young people stuck in aged care, or at risk of entering aged care, can make an informed decision on where they want to live…

Summer Foundation Focus – June 2023
Welcome to the June edition of our bi-monthly newsletter.
Featuring news about recent significant developments in our work to ensure young people stuck in aged care, or at risk of entering aged care, can make an informed decision on where they want to live…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: May
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…
Summer Foundation Focus – April 2023
Welcome to our new-look bi-monthly newsletter – Summer Foundation Focus.
While we may have a new name for our newsletter, our focus very much remains the same. We exist to get young people with disability out of aged care and into appropriate homes…
Summer Foundation Events Roundup: April
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: March
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: February
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…
Summer Foundation News Update – Summer 2022
Welcome to our last newsletter for 2022. As we wind down after an especially busy year the time is right to reflect on our work and achievements…
Summer Foundation Events Roundup: December
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: October – November
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation News Update – Spring 2022
Welcome to our spring newsletter. It’s an exciting and busy time for the Summer Foundation…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: September – October
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: August – September
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: July – August
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…
Summer Foundation News Update – Winter 2022
Welcome to our Winter newsletter.
Over the past few months we have been working hard on a campaign that puts a spotlight on the lengthy delays NDIS participants are facing for approval of funding for housing and supports…
Summer Foundation Events Roundup: June – July
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: May – June
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: April – May
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation News Update – Autumn 2022
Welcome to our Autumn newsletter.
Critical to successfully resolving the issue of Young People in Residential Aged Care is streamlining NDIS processes for funding housing and support until they become as responsive as the aged care system…
Summer Foundation Events Roundup: February – March
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation News Update – Summer 2021
Welcome to our last edition for 2021. We celebrate the significant amount of critical work that has been done toward ending the need for younger people with disability to live in aged care; in what have been challenging circumstances over this past year…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: December 2021 – January 2022
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: November – December 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: October – November 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation News Update – Spring 2021
Welcome to our spring update. It has been a particularly busy and satisfying few months for us. Most notably has been the release of the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Investor Think Tank report
and the positive response it attracted from the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Linda Reynolds…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: September – October 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: August – September 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: July – August 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation News Update – Winter 2021
Welcome to our winter update. It comes at a time of greater public focus on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), particularly around new independent assessments, personalised budgets and challenges within the specialist disability accommodation (SDA) sector…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: June – July 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: May–June 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation Events Roundup: April–May 2021
The Summer Foundation and our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, hosts a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide…

Summer Foundation News Update – Autumn 2021
Despite the unprecedented challenges of the past year I am delighted about the strong progress that is being made on several fronts towards our goal of keeping younger people out of aged care…

Summer Foundation News Update – Summer 2020
What a year it’s been! COVID-19 forced us to rethink the way we work and has led to a greater focus on using technology to engage and build the capacity of people with disability…

Consumer & Family Carer Network News Update – Summer 2020
While this year was not the one we thought it would be, we have been challenged to think differently about what we do and how we do it. The delivery of COVID-response services and shifting to fully remote work…
Summer Foundation News Update – Spring 2020
It’s a particularly exciting time for me as the Summer Foundation starts the next stage of our journey to ensure people with disability have access to the support they need to control where they live and who they live with…
Consumer & Family Carer Network News Update – Spring 2020
As we navigate what’s happening in the world around us we are faced with new challenges, but also new opportunities. We have been planning a number of initiatives in recent months that we are excited to start rolling out…
Summer Foundation News Update –Winter 2020
Over the past 3 months the Summer Foundation team has worked hard to provide tangible, direct support to people with disability and complex needs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic…
The COVID-19 pandemic has made feeling and staying connected more important than ever before.
Our new Staying Connected web page is providing the opportunity for people with disability to share their stories.
You can visit the webpage to find out more here.
We are in the midst of a unique crisis that poses a particularly significant threat to the lives of people with disability and complex needs. Many of the people we support are already susceptible to chest infections and pneumonia because of their limited mobility. COVID-19 makes this threat considerably greater when people are stuck in hospital.
The Summer Foundation has decided to re-consider options for all upcoming events in response to the continuing spread of Covid-19 or Coronavirus.
Welcome to our summer update. I am back in the CEO role at a key time for the Summer Foundation. I’d like to thank Luke Bo’sher for all of his terrific work over the past 3.5 years. Our government relations and policy influence was turbo-charged under his leadership.
We keep hearing good news about developments that are improving the lives of young people who would otherwise be forced into nursing homes because there are no alternatives.
Welcome to our Consumer & Family Career Network Spring update. It will bring you the latest news and information to help you navigate the ever-changing world of services and supports under the NDIS.
Welcome to our spring update. It has been an exciting time for us with the Aged Care Royal Commission hearings in Melbourne focused on young people in aged care.
It has been a very busy few months for the Summer Foundation and there is a lot happening in the world of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
Welcome to our winter update. The start of the new financial year sees a refocusing of the work the Summer Foundation is doing to keep young people out of aged care.
Early last month The Hon Paul Fletcher, Minister for Families and Social Services, and The Hon Sarah Henderson, Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services announced immediate reforms to SDA.
Preparations for the first Get Building SDA National Conference in late March are well underway.
There is a buzz around the office as the NDIS makes improvements to its processes. We’re really pleased to see decisions approving new build specialist disability accommodation (SDA), which bodes well for the new opportunities in apartments in NSW and Queensland and provides confidence for those wanting to build SDA.
It’s been an exciting couple of months for the Summer Foundation in both the housing and health spheres. We have been busy scaling up practical solutions to the challenges faced by young people with complex support needs in the rollout of the NDIS.
We welcome the Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement of a Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Prime Minister Morrison purposefully included mention of young Australians who live in residential aged care.
Welcome to our Spring update. Looking back over the past few months, it is gratifying to see the positive strides we are taking on a number of issues that contribute to keeping young people out of aged care.