Group 3

Mainstream NDIS providers failed Will, so he built his own support service for neurodiverse people to game together

Source: ABC News – Jade Toomey

The Summer Foundation’s Dr Megan Topping has called for the NDIS to take people with lived experience seriously, and for the disability community to be more involved in decisions about their own care.

ABC News reported on Will Golding – who lives with a genetic condition – struggled through school, and feared he wouldn’t have coped at university, but has managed to create his dream career.

However, it didn’t come easily. The 25-year-old was paying a support worker through the NDIS for years to help him become more social. Instead, he would spend all day alone in his room, playing video games to manage the isolation.

Will said it was a result of NDIS carers who were too inexperienced, and turned over too quickly to know what to do with a young neurodiverse adult.

“So much of what makes support ‘quality’ is that human connection,” Dr Topping said.

Will now runs video gaming atrium Ignition Gamers in Canberra for young neurodiverse adults who struggle to find a community after leaving school.

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