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January 2024

The NDIS and aged care fees

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This information is for people with complex support needs, eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and who are preparing to move into a residential aged care facility (RACF), or are currently living in aged care – as well as their families, supporters, guardians and/or administrators.


This guide explains the different RACF fees and charges and whether or the not the NDIS will include funds in your NDIS Plan to pay them.

July 2023

Sample NDIS plans

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This guide includes five sample plans for people in differing circumstances with examples of how the NDIS can support participants to exercise choice and control to lead an ordinary life.

These sample plans are to give you a place to start. We have also included a pre-planning tool to help you to develop your own plan so you can keep a record of your planning meeting.
(First published: March 2018. Updated for accessibility: March 2024)

June 2023

Residential aged care costs for NDIS participants

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The aim of this fact sheet is to describe these line items and to provide RACFs, NDIS plan managers and financial intermediaries with tailored information and guidance for the smooth implementation of this reform.

June 2023

How to fill out the NDIS Access Request Form

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If you are working in a residential aged care facility, or a health service, you might be supporting a person with disability to submit this NDIS access request. This resource is designed to help.


January 2022

Andrew’s story – What life is like in aged care

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Andrew tells us what life is like for him as a young person living in aged care and what the barriers are for him to leave aged care.


December 2019

Lisa is moving out of aged care

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Lisa has lived in a nursing home for about 6 years. Her main goal was to get of the nursing home. Lisa shares how it feels to be preparing to move into an SDA apartment.

James was 21 when he went into aged care

September 2019

Voices Royal Commission need to hear

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Learn why the Aged Care Royal Commission needs to hear the
experiences of younger people who have experience living
in aged care, or who are at risk of going into aged care.
Listen to workshop participants as they tell their stories.

September 2019

True stories, Practical Solutions – Submission to the Royal Commission on Aged Care Quality and Safety

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The submission identifies the key policy and systemic changes needed to stop young people being forced into aged care. It covers what needs to change and how it can happen.

August 2018

Chris’s aged care story

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Two and half years ago Chris was hospitalised. Chris knew he couldn’t return to his home in Launceston, he wanted to move closer to his parents on the north west coast of Tasmania. With no choices this would mean living in a nursing home.

July 2018

Masoud’s story

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The story of the strong bond between brothers. Edris’ main goal for his brother, Masoud, is for him to move out of aged care. Edris is hoping the NDIS will assist with this.

June 2018

Life in a nursing home

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Daniel went from hospital to a nursing home. He shares his experiences and ideas on how to improve the life of young people living in nursing homes.

June 2018

Deborah’s aged care story

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It all started Christmas Eve 2015. Deborah went from thinking about what she was going to cook for Christmas Day, to being in intensive care with all her organs shutting down. That was the beginning of Deborah’s journey into aged care.

March 2018

Michelle’s housing journey

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At the age of 19, Michelle suffered an asthma attack and spent nearly two years in a nursing home. This is Michelle’s journey to once again living independently.