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January 2022
Andrew’s story – What life is like in aged care
Tags: nursing home, residential aged care (RAC)
Andrew tells us what life is like for him as a young person living in aged care and what the barriers are for him to leave aged care.

September 2019
True stories, Practical Solutions – Submission to the Royal Commission on Aged Care Quality and Safety
Tags: nursing home, residential aged care (RAC), royal commission, submission
The submission identifies the key policy and systemic changes needed to stop young people being forced into aged care. It covers what needs to change and how it can happen.

March 2018
Michelle’s housing journey
Tags: independence, nursing home, residential aged care (RAC), Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
At the age of 19, Michelle suffered an asthma attack and spent nearly two years in a nursing home. This is Michelle’s journey to once again living independently.