Group 3

Resources for people with disability and their supporters

The resources and on this page are for people with disability and their supporters. There is information about NDIS access and plans, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and other housing options as well as information for health professionals including supporting them with the hospital discharge process so that young people with disability can find the housing and support they need.

If you are looking for resources on specialist disability accommodation (SDA) and housing please check out housinghub.org.au.

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Housing resources

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Found 28 Results

March 2024

Living more independently

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‘Living more independently’ means living in a house (townhouse/duplex/apartment/other) where you get to decide what you do and how you live, and you only get as much support as you need. This guide explains how to plan for and move from residential aged care (RAC), a group home or your parents’ home into appropriate mainstream housing or Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

January 2024

The NDIS and aged care fees

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This information is for people with complex support needs, eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and who are preparing to move into a residential aged care facility (RACF), or are currently living in aged care – as well as their families, supporters, guardians and/or administrators.


This guide explains the different RACF fees and charges and whether or the not the NDIS will include funds in your NDIS Plan to pay them.

January 2024

Participant housing statement template

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The Summer Foundation has developed a resource to help support coordinators and allied health professionals prepare an NDIS participant housing statement. The Participant Housing Statement Template seeks to ensure that the NDIA provides people with funding that reflects their preferred housing option.

November 2023

Choosing a support coordinator

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We have created a guide to help you choose a support coordinator. We have included ideas for important things you might want to know about your support coordinator, and questions you might want to ask them.

September 2023

My housing preferences

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This tool helps you think about where you want to live, who you would like to live with and the type of housing that you would like to live in. You can use this tool to tell your housing story and work out your housing goals. You can cut and paste the information from this tool into housing application forms.

Report cover

August 2023

Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge

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The Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge Guide and Template are for health professionals to support a person with disability to describe the housing and support they want and need so that they can be discharged to suitable housing.

July 2023

Sample NDIS plans

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This guide includes five sample plans for people in differing circumstances with examples of how the NDIS can support participants to exercise choice and control to lead an ordinary life.

These sample plans are to give you a place to start. We have also included a pre-planning tool to help you to develop your own plan so you can keep a record of your planning meeting.
(First published: March 2018. Updated for accessibility: March 2024)

July 2023

SDA eligibility criteria

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Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a costly support that will be provided to only a small number of NDIS participants, so the rules the NDIS uses to determine a participant’s eligibility are rigorously applied. To be considered for SDA, a participant must provide evidence to support EVERY criteria along one of the pathways in this flowchart.

For the exact wording of each rule, refer to the Summer Foundation’s How to write a housing plan resource.

July 2023

About Specialist Disability Accommodation

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This resource provides an overview of housing options, including Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The role of SDA is explained along with how SDA payments, provided in an individual participant’s plan, flow through to a registered provider of SDA housing.

June 2023

SDA payments guide

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This guide explains what Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) payments are, who they are paid to and how they are accessed. For people who have SDA payments included in their NDIS Plan, it explains how to make the most of this funding.



First published: September 2018
Last updated: June 2023
Updated for accessibility: March 2024

June 2023

Mainstream housing options

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Most people with disability will not get Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in their NDIS plan, but still want to choose where they live and who they live with. This guide is for you. It explains the different types of mainstream housing (any housing that is not SDA) and will help you look for housing that suits you.

June 2023

Residential aged care costs for NDIS participants

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The aim of this fact sheet is to describe these line items and to provide RACFs, NDIS plan managers and financial intermediaries with tailored information and guidance for the smooth implementation of this reform.

June 2023

How to fill out the NDIS Access Request Form

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If you are working in a residential aged care facility, or a health service, you might be supporting a person with disability to submit this NDIS access request. This resource is designed to help.

June 2023

Allied health housing assessments guide

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The aim of this guide is to assist support coordinators and allied health professionals collaborate on Housing Plans for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants. Housing Plans rely on appropriately framed allied health assessments and reports to support the participant pursue their goals and aspirations.

June 2023

How to write a housing plan

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How to write a Housing Plan – Guide and the Housing Plan Template have been created to help support coordinators write housing plans for NDIS participants who want to test their eligibility for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding. The purpose of a housing plan is to provide the NDIA with evidence that the person you’re working for requires SDA to reach their goals, maximise their independence, and social and economic participation. The guide provides information on what to include to achieve the best possible outcome for the person you’re working for. Download Housing Plan Template

June 2023

Guide to NDIS pre-planning

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Pre-planning is the process of developing a detailed plan that is individualised to the NDIS participant, prior to the planning meeting with an NDIS planner. This resource describes how to use NDIS language and descriptions for disability related supports. It includes an example of a pre-plan template that incorporates NDIS legislative requirements.

Download the pre-plan template.

June 2023

NDIS housing pathway

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On this resource we detail one pathway to mainstream housing. If you have searched for mainstream housing and discovered you can’t access it because of your disability, you can test your eligibility for SDA on the second page.

June 2023

Looking for somewhere to live

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This guide explains how you can access and make the most of NDIS funding to look for housing. It explains the capacity building funding available to NDIS participants who need support to search for suitable housing. It also includes information on choosing your support coordinator and how to make the most of the funding.

June 2023

Accessing the NDIS – Providing supporting evidence

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When making an access request to the NDIS, the NDIA requires supporting evidence about the person’s disability and how it impacts their everyday life. Supporting evidence can be in the form of an Access Request Form (ARF), or a supporting evidence report. This resource provides an example of a supporting evidence report template that reflects the NDIS legislative requirements.

June 2023

Support Coordinators – who are they and how can they support me

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A support coordinator is someone paid by the NDIS to help you understand and implement your plan. They can help you with a range of of different things as outlined in this resource.

First published: September 2018
Last updated: June 2023

June 2023

Sample transition NDIS plan

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A transition NDIS plan aims to facilitate a successful and timely discharge from hospital for NDIS participants. It is a 3–6 month plan that acts as a transition to a more extensive plan to be used post discharge.
First published: December 2019 as Sample interim NDIS plan
Last updated: June 2023

June 2023

Using SDA to buy your own property

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For people receiving SDA payments, home ownership may also be an option. The NDIS participant, or their family, can buy a property and use their SDA payments to cover the mortgage.This resource outlines the steps and requirements involved in using SDA payments to purchase your own property.

For a more detailed guide, please see the Housing Hub’s Building or buying your own SDA.


First published: December 2017
Last updated: June 2023

June 2023

Urgent access request cover letter

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In some circumstances a person may be vulnerable to risk and need urgent supports. For example, they may be going back to live in a community setting with few supports of any kind after they are discharged from hospital, or they may not be able to return home and may be at risk of moving into a residential aged care facility.

Download a Word document template of the letter

First published: September 2019
Last updated: June 2023

May 2023

Getting the language right

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How to write effective support documentation for people with disabilities and complex health and support needs seeking access to the NDIS.

May 2023

Collaborative discharge approach – An overview

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A Collaborative Discharge Approach (CDA) is a process to ensure that people under 65 with disability or complex support needs in hospital can achieve an effective and timely discharge back into the community with National Disability Insurance System (NDIS) supports. This overview provides a snapshot of how health can work with support coordinators to achieve this and includes links to resources that align with specific actions.

July 2020

Capacity building framework training manual

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In striving for best practice outcomes for NDIS participants, a health service may use this resource to provide a framework in the provision of information, training and mentoring to staff for practice change.

June 2019

Making a training video for support workers

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These resources can help you make a training video about what your support worker should know about you, how your support worker can support you to do something, or how your support worker should act with you. There are 5 resources to help a person make their training video. Some of these are for the person themselves and some are for other people or organisations.

June 2018

Hospital discharge video resources

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Occupational Therapists share their experience of the hospital discharge process for people with a newly-acquired disability.

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