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January 2024

‘Well, what are you going to do when you’re out there?’: a scoping review of successful hospital discharge for people with acquired disability and complex needs aged 18–65 years
Tags: hospital discharge
Discharge planning is the organisation of medical needs, supports, allied health professionals and community-based rehabilitation services for a person to receive once they leave hospital. This can be a complex and lengthy process when a person has acquired disability and complex support needs. As a result, the experience of transitioning from hospital to home is often stressful. A scoping review by La Trobe University and the Summer Foundation explored peer reviewed studies that reported on hospital discharge outcomes for people with acquired disability and complex support needs. The research presented 4 main principles
relating to successful hospital discharge, which informed 6 recommendations for better discharge outcomes.
You can read summary of the report here.
Cubis L., Roseingrave E., Gosden-Kaye E. , Winkler D., Douglas J. ‘Well, what are you going to do when you’re out there?’: a scoping review of successful hospital discharge for people with acquired disability and complex needs aged 18–65 years. Brain Impairment

October 2023

Summer Foundation – La Trobe University Research Program 2022/2023
Tags: accessible housing, disability support, hospital discharge, NDIS, YPIRAC
The enduring research partnership between the Summer Foundation and La Trobe University’s Living with Disability Research Centre is testament to what is possible when rigorous academic methods are applied to real-world problems. The research program at the Summer Foundation is unashamedly ambitious. It needs to be in order to address the manifold challenges experienced by people with disability in Australia today.
Our Research team consists of more than 20 researchers, including experienced academics, clinical experts, research assistants, and doctoral candidates. They come from diverse backgrounds, including psychology, speech pathology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and architecture. Together, the team work on more than 20 active projects covering topics as broad as younger people in residential aged care, hospital discharge, the disability housing market, and factors contributing to quality disability support.
This report outlines the research undertaken in 2022/23 as part of the program, our aims and our outputs.

August 2023
Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge
Tags: health professional, hospital discharge, hospital resources, housing
The Housing Needs and Preferences to Support Discharge Guide and Template are for health professionals to support a person with disability to describe the housing and support they want and need so that they can be discharged to suitable housing.

August 2022

Summer Foundation – La Trobe University Research Program 2021/2022
Tags: accessible housing, disability support, hospital discharge, NDIS, YPIRAC
The Summer Foundation – La Trobe University Research Program is designed to understand the issue of young people in aged care. By researching the issues at each stage of the critical pathways that lead young people to aged care we can provide the evidence needed to create systems change that will solve this problem.

July 2022
Housing as a barrier to hospital discharge – Policy Position Statement by the Summer Foundation
Tags: hospital discharge, housing
People with disability who have high and complex needs often get stuck in hospital due to challenges accessing the housing and support needed to leave hospital. The transition from hospital to home requires a coordinated approach between the NDIS and health and housing sectors. Enabling access to appropriate housing and supports when participants are clinically fit for discharge prevents disruptions to patient flow and poor health outcomes stemming from extended hospital stays.

May 2022

Evaluating the discharge planning process: Barriers, challenges, and facilitators of timely and effective discharge for people with disability and complex needs
Tags: hospital discharge
Improving the pathway from hospital to the community is the key to reducing the number of younger Australians stuck in hospital and/or discharged to residential aged care (RAC). This report presents preliminary findings from three studies initiated to explore and identify barriers, challenges and facilitators of timely and effective discharge for people with disability and complex needs.
You can read a summary of the report here.
Cubis, L., Ramme, R.A., Roseingrave, E., Minter, E., Winkler, D., & Douglas, J. (2022). Evaluating the discharge planning process: Barriers, challenges, and facilitators of timely and effective discharge for people with disability and complex needs. Summer Foundation and La Trobe University.

January 2022
Pre Budget Submission (2022)
Tags: hospital discharge, housing, NDIS
The Summer Foundation is pleased to work alongside the Federal Government to enable significant improvement in the lives of people with disability. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an incredible social policy initiative, providing life changing opportunities to people with disability.

July 2021
Hospital Discharge of NDIS Participants with High and Complex Needs – Policy Position Statement by the Summer Foundation
Tags: for policy makers, hospital discharge
Immediate action is needed to improve outcomes for people with complex disability. Significant reforms of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and health interface systems are needed to reduce unnecessary hospital stays and to prevent younger people with high and complex disabilities from being forced into unsuitable housing and support such as residential aged care (RAC).
This report examines the various problems and solutions specific to the NDIS and health interface to minimise extended hospital stays and increase successful returns to community life for people with disabilities.

May 2019
Penny’s story
Tags: hospital discharge, NDIS
After a hospital stay and her husband no longer her carer, Penny was unable to return home. She put in a change of circumstances to the NDIS. Penny now says her supports enable her to live the life she wants to live.

June 2018
Hospital discharge video resources
Tags: hospital discharge, hospital resources, occupational therapist
Occupational Therapists share their experience of the hospital discharge process for people with a newly-acquired disability.

June 2018

Hospital discharge planning for young people with complex disability: Literature review
Tags: hospital discharge
The aim of the discharge planning process is to improve the coordination of a person’s services post-discharge and reduce the likelihood of unplanned hospital re-admissions. This review sought to explore the current evidence base for hospital discharge planning for young adults (aged 18-64) with disability and complex support needs. Successful discharge planning for this group is complex and requires effective cooperation between health and disability services.
Knox, L., Symmons, M., Douglas, J., Hilton, G., & Winkler, D. (2018). Hospital discharge planning for young people with complex disability: Literature review. Summer Foundation.