Group 3


The Summer Foundation co-design team partners with people with disability to develop housing and support solutions. 

Are you looking to improve the housing or living experiences of people who require access to 24/7 support?

Our co-design team supports creative, user led system and service solutions and innovations. They work with people with lived experience to shape genuine user led solutions, by overcoming barriers which often prevent the translation and application of that lived experience.

We have an extensive network of lived experience partners that contribute to our projects, bringing their knowledge and experience to inform design solutions.

Some examples of our projects include:

  • Co-designed capacity-building resources that make the pathway out of aged care more accessible for people under 65
  • Storytelling in support of a national campaign to reduce the waiting time for housing and support funding decisions that resulted in faster more accurate decision-making
  • Facilitating submissions from people with disability to the Aged Care Royal Commission that contributed to policy change

Read more about these case studies below

Servicing the disability sector

We service both the Summer Foundation and external clients.
Our services are relevant across Government, the NDIS and adjacent sectors such as health, aged care and housing.

We partner with people with lived experience in a variety of ways – such as illustrating key messages, informing and designing solutions. Every project is different, and these differences determine how we shape our response to system questions and problems.  

“I love working with everyone in the Co-Design Team they’re incredibly welcoming and accepting.”


“It’s a great organisation to work with and be connected with. The knowledge and the insight they have is just incredible.”


“The primary reason I feel excited about being part of the co-design workshops is that it has given me such a sense of empowerment.”


Our services

  • Quotes and vignettes
  • Digital and written stories
  • Media
  • Consultation
  • Review and feedback
  • User experience from people with lived experience
  • Co-creation of products, resources and services
  • Co-creation of solutions
  • Co-creation of systems improvement or design

Case studies


Down to 10 Days

We supported 23 people with disability to lend their experience in support of a national campaign to reduce the waiting time for housing and support funding decisions.


Aged Care Royal Commission

We supported over 100 people with disability to connect to the Aged Care Royal Commission either through a personal submission, or giving direct evidence to the Commission.


Housing Hub Moving Out of Aged Care resources

Leaving aged care can be overwhelming, so this project created resources to build the capacity of people wanting to leave aged care.

 “I think about people who have challenges with speech, I have never once, not once seen any of you, presume you know or put words into their mouth. You let people speak their own words. Anyone with disability is central to what you do, and you walk the walk and talk the talk.”
