Our social enterprise, the Housing Hub, host a range of face-to-face and online workshops for a wide range of audiences Australia-wide.
Housing Hub Training
All workshops are currently subsidised.

From Crisis to Comeback: Resolution and Recovery
People with complex support needs may face crises or potential risks for various reasons. Crises often provide warning signs; this webinar focuses on navigating crisis and recovering from crisis.
Tuesday 23 January, 2 – 4pm (AEDT)

Designing individualised Home and Living supports
Learn how to explore and design an ordinary life through individualised support.
Tuesday 30 January, 10am – 1.30pm (AEDT)

Best practice when working with people with complex support needs
In this workshop learn strategies to demonstrate leadership in promoting and upholding the rights of those you support who live with complex support needs.
Wednesday 7 February, 10am – 12.30pm (AEDT)

Supporting NDIS participants to leave hospital
Learn about the complexities of supporting NDIS participants who are stuck in hospital and how to implement a person’s NDIS plan to enable an efficient and collaborative discharge.
Tuesday 13 February, 11am – 1pm (AEDT)

NDIS and mainstream housing
Learn about mainstream and non-SDA housing, home modifications and assistive technology and capacity building supports to help a person with disability explore suitable mainstream housing.
Wednesday 28 February, 10.30am – 1.30pm (AEDT)