2018’s Annual Public Forum, “From Hospital to Home”, brought together more than 150 hospital discharge professionals, people with lived experience and disability sector professionals to discuss the best ways to support people to return to living in their communities.
Ensuring that the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is accessible for young people leaving hospital with complex support needs who are at risk of admission to aged care is a big step towards resolving the issue of young people being forced to live in aged care.
The NDIS provides a new opportunity for people with disability to leave hospital with the right supports in place so they can choose where they live.
The forum heard personal stories about people’s hospital discharge experiences and difficulties accessing the NDIS, but also positive outcomes that have been achieved. Health professionals acknowledged the challenges adjusting to the scheme, but all spoke favourably about its potential to change lives.
Disability advocate and former National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) employee Penny Dorgan told of her journey through the health and disability systems after a lengthy stay in hospital. Even as a disability sector professional she struggled to navigate her way through the systems.
NDIA General Manager, Critical Service Issues, Stephanie Gunn, said: “We need to do what it takes to get someone home from hospital with sustainable, safe and appropriate support.”
Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner Alistair McEwin spoke about the importance of the health and disability systems working together with a person-centred approach to achieve the best outcomes for people.
You can watch the forum here
After the forum we held a seminar for discharge professionals and NDIS support coordinators who are working with people with disability and complex support needs – particularly those who have recently acquired a disability or experienced
a sudden increase in their support needs.
You can watch the seminar on our Facebook page here