Group 3

Co-design project: Support within disability housing

The Summer Foundation has secured funding for an NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission led project to build the capacity of NDIS participants. 

The project focuses on co-designing resources for NDIS participants, NDIS providers and the supporters of NDIS participants to better give and receive feedback, make complaints and shape the services they receive.

Work needs to be done to build the capacity of NDIS participants and their supporters, so that choice, control and agency over supports can be exercised,” said Carolyn Finis, the Summer Foundation’s Head of Co-design.

Participants need to know their rights and how to take action when they feel a situation puts their rights at risk. Alongside this, providers need to build their capacity to reimagine approaches and mindsets when participants raise feedback or make a complaint

This project will co-design and co-create a series of resources to meet these needs.”

Consumer-driven continuous improvement in SDA and Shared Supported Accommodation is a 2-year project.

Announcing 7 NDIS Commission grants, the Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten said the grants will empower participants and improve the quality of services delivered by providers to participants.

These grants will strengthen connections between participants and providers to elevate the voices of participants, increase awareness across the disability sector of the rights of participants, and as a result improve the quality of services delivered by providers,” Mr Shorten said.

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