Group 3

Co-design at heart of new resources

As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the lives of people with disability the Summer Foundation, in partnership with the Housing Hub, has launched the Feedback in Supported Accommodation Resource (FISAR) project.

The 2-year project, funded by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, involves creating resources that are developed in collaboration with NDIS participants, supporters and providers.

It will deliver resources for NDIS participants, their supporters (personal and professional) and providers to help people raise issues, make complaints, and create a culture of ongoing improvement within specialist disability accommodation (SDA) and supported accommodation.

So far we have conducted 3 workshops with 12 NDIS participants, 6 housing providers, 3 family members and 3 professional supporters. 

Key takeaway points from the workshops include: 

  • There are many existing resources that are hard to find and navigate. Most resources are not specific to living in disability housing
  • A power imbalance exists between tenants and providers. The NDIS adds even more complexity to this relationship
  • It is important to “keep promises and consistency” to build trust with tenants. Providers need people with lived experience in their organisations to help understand the challenges of people with disability and come up with solutions

A massive thanks to the NDIS participants, supporters and providers who have made themselves available to support this important project. 

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