Housing Delayed and Denied: NDIA Decision-Making on specialist disability accommodation funding
May 2022
Housing Delayed and Denied: NDIA Decision-Making on specialist disability accommodation funding
Tags: housing, NDIS, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
In the past year, an increasing number of people have received SDA funding decisions that were not aligned with their needs and preferences.
In order to understand and engage with the SDA decision-making and appeals process, the Housing Hub and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) commenced a collaborative project in mid-2021, providing legal help to NDIS participants who are seeking reviews of SDA funding decisions at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). This new report presents our early findings.
Skipsey, M., Winkler, D., Cohen, M., Mulherin, P., Rathbone, A., & Efstathiou, M. (2022). Housing delayed and denied: NDIA decision-making on Specialist Disability Accommodation. Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Housing Hub.