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October 2021
Closed setting SIL homes – Policy Position Statement by the Summer Foundation
Tags: for policy makers, Supported Independent Living (SIL)
The Summer Foundation has released a position statement about the model of housing and support known as, closed setting supported independent living (SIL) homes. This is where the SIL provider owns or head leases a property and is responsible for tenancy management as well as SIL support delivery within the home. The closed setting SIL home model is outdated and does not resemble a contemporary approach to independent living but it is currently responding to demand for housing from NDIS participants who have been deemed ineligible for SDA or are facing SDA approval issues. The model brings risk to NDIS participant safety, compromises housing security and removes a participants right to exercise genuine choice and control.
The Summer Foundation believes that the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission must undertake a quality audit of existing closed-setting SIL homes and implement a regulatory framework as an interim measure, supporting SIL providers to conform to contemporary standards that uphold NDIS participants’ legal rights.
The NDIA must ensure SDA eligible participants do not live in, or are not reliant on, closed setting SIL homes.

July 2021
Hospital Discharge of NDIS Participants with High and Complex Needs – Policy Position Statement by the Summer Foundation
Tags: for policy makers, hospital discharge
Immediate action is needed to improve outcomes for people with complex disability. Significant reforms of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and health interface systems are needed to reduce unnecessary hospital stays and to prevent younger people with high and complex disabilities from being forced into unsuitable housing and support such as residential aged care (RAC).
This report examines the various problems and solutions specific to the NDIS and health interface to minimise extended hospital stays and increase successful returns to community life for people with disabilities.

March 2021
Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS Inquiry into Independent Assessments – Submission
Tags: for policy makers
The Summer Foundation has made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) inquiry into Independent Assessments.
We believe that the NDIS is an important and life changing government initiative that has the potential to solve the issue of younger people being forced into residential aged care and other inappropriate accommodation settings.
While we welcome the introduction of free and timely assessments for people stuck in hospital, we recommend postponing the proposed midyear rollout of independent assessments and implementing an evidence-based pilot, codesigned with people with disability, disability organisations and other experts in the field.

January 2021
How to Reform Support Coordination to Meet the Needs of NDIS Participants with High and Complex Needs
Tags: for policy makers
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants with high and complex needs can often experience difficulty in accessing high quality and effective support coordination. Without effective support coordination, it can be difficult to avoid or exit residential aged care (RAC). This position statement outlines the problems and what needs to change.
To discuss this further and to lend your support to our statement contact: [email protected]

January 2021
Medium Term Accommodation Eligibility, Funding and Quality to Meet the Needs of NDIS Participants
Tags: for policy makers
Funding for Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is not currently delivering the necessary outcomes for participants with high and complex needs. Changes are needed to ensure that this group receives the necessary support to avoid being stuck in hospital or forced into residential aged care (RAC).
This position statement outlines the problems and what needs to change. To discuss this further and to lend your support to our statement contact: [email protected]

October 2020
Improving Outcomes for Participants who Require Supported Independent Living (SIL): Provider and Sector Consultation Paper
Tags: for policy makers, NDIS participant, Supported Independent Living (SIL)
The Summer Foundation has extensive experience working alongside people with high and complex support needs to understand how to ensure that housing and support solutions can be developed according to their needs and preferences. We have undertaken demonstration projects and extensive research. Based on the outcomes of the research our understanding of what it takes to effectively support people with complex needs to live in the community has evolved.
Drawing on this, the Summer Foundation has outlined key problems with the current dominant SIL practice and set out a vision for a reformed SIL market.

October 2020
Accessible Housing – The Way Forward: Supplementary Information Provided to the Australian Building Codes Board Consultation RIS
Tags: for policy makers
The Melbourne Disability Institute (MDI) and the Summer Foundation are pleased to provide this supplementary information following our meeting with representatives from the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the Centre for International Economics (CIE) on 17 September. This supplementary information should be read in conjunction with our submission.
The time constraints during the online meeting of 17 September 2020 did not permit full discussion of important economic considerations associated with the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) or the qualitative study. Therefore, the following information is provided to assist CIE in their finalisation of their evaluation, and for the ABCB’s consideration of the results.

September 2020
Independent Assessments Brief and Summer Foundation Position Statement
Tags: for policy makers
Functional capacity is one of the key factors in determining eligibility for the NDIS. Functional capacity is the ability to be involved in different areas of life like home, school, work and the community and to carry out tasks and actions. It considers other factors in a person’s environment that may impact day-to-day life.
We want to see the NDIA take action to enable fast, fair and equitable decisions and these decisions need to be made with a strong evidence base. This requires NDIA funded and well-trained assessors who have experience working with people with disability.
Read our full position statement by clicking on the Download now button.

September 2020
Response to the Support Coordination Discussion Paper
Tags: for policy makers
This submission addresses the questions put forward in the Support Coordination Discussion Paper and highlights the need to improve the support coordination service model in a range of areas. These include ensuring access to adequate and timely support coordination; incorporating effective support coordination in the interface between the NDIS and mainstream health systems; support coordinators with specialist knowledge in housing for people with complex needs; easier access for participants to appropriately skilled and experienced support coordinators; encouraging innovation and the development of best practice approaches through training and development opportunities and Communities of Practice; and addressing conflicts of interests.

August 2020
Accessible Housing – The Way Forward: Response to the Australian Building Codes Board Consultation RIS
Tags: for policy makers
The Melbourne Disability Institute (MDI) and the Summer Foundation are pleased to provide this submission in response to the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS). We have initiated three important pieces of research in response to the Consultation RIS, in order to further inform the ABCB and Ministers, viz: i) an independent review of the social cost benefit analysis; ii) a survey and interviews of people with disability that provide important new quantitative and qualitative data; and iii) an audit of accessible features in 20 new build, high volume house plans.

August 2020
Response to Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement
Tags: for policy makers
The Summer Foundation is pleased to provide this submission in response to the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS).
The Summer Foundation endorses the stated objective of the RIS and proposes that it should include the word ‘all’: The objective of the regulatory proposal is to ensure that [all] new housing is designed to meet the needs of the community including older Australians and others with mobility limitations.
Summer Foundation maintains that accessible housing is for everyone, every time, every day.
It should not be regarded as ‘an optional extra’ or ‘for special people.’ The regulation of minimum standards of accessibility can bring significant benefits to the broader community and is in the public interest.