Support in specialist disability accommodation (SDA) Apartments
March 2022
Support in specialist disability accommodation (SDA) Apartments
Tags: housing, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
The NDIA promotes innovation in the provision of housing and supports, and is seeking to “encourage new models of home and living” that replace more institutional arrangements, such as group homes or younger people living in aged care. One such model is the provision of on-site shared support (OSS) for people with disability living in co-located Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
This report provides findings from co-design workshops and interviews conducted in mid-2021 with NDIS participants living in SDA, and OSS and SDA providers. It shows the effective delivery of OSS in co-located SDA provides NDIS participants with the foundation they need to achieve a range of goals related to housing, support, independence, community, social and economic participation.
The report provides an evidence base for the development of a range of potential solutions and resources to address the challenges identified by tenants and providers.
Winkler, D., Finis, C., D’Cruz, K., Mulherin, P., de Costa, M., Rathbone, A., Condi, A., Douglas, J. (2022). Support in Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) apartments. Summer Foundation.