Supporting the design and construction sector to transition to minimum accessible standards in new homes: A qualitative study

April 2024

Supporting the design and construction sector to transition to minimum accessible standards in new homes: A qualitative study
Tags: accessible housing, housing
New research by the Summer Foundation sought to understand the perspectives of practicing design and professionals in delivering new housing in Australia to integrate accessible design standards.
Research participants were involved in detailed one on one interviews to deeply understand their perspectives. Research participants had from 12 to 40 years experience in the industry, and included, six builders, five registered architects, two building developers and three access consultants.
This research provides new evidence about what the design and construction sector needs to successfully implement mandatory accessibility standards as outlined in the 2022 National Construction Code (NCC) at a Livable Housing Australia Design Silver Standard.
Download a summary of the research here.
Winkler, D., Liddicoat, S., D’Cruz, K., Wellecke, C., Mulherin, P., & Douglas, J. (2024). Supporting the design and construction sector to transition to minimum accessible standards in new homes: A qualitative study. Summer Foundation.