Being a pioneer: a qualitative study of moving into individualised housing from the perspective of adults with neurological disability

January 2024

Being a pioneer: a qualitative study of moving into individualised housing from the perspective of adults with neurological disability
Tags: Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
There is limited research to inform best practice in individualised disability housing. To develop effective policy and inform the SDA market, the experiences of people moving into SDA must be understood. This study aimed to understand the experience of moving into SDA for people with acquired complex disability. The findings of this study provide insights into the transition experience of moving into, and living in, newly built SDA. Better outcomes will benefit people with disability, providers, and investors, but also the federal government as it addresses the rising costs of the NDIS.
Douglas J., Winkler D., D’Cruz K., Oliver S., Liddicoat S., Naismith J., & Wakim D. (2024) Being a pioneer: a qualitative study of moving into individualised housing from the perspective of adults with neurological disability. Brain Impairment.