Group 3

Inclusive disability housing, efficient support and better outcomes for NDIS participants in rural, regional and remote Australia – Summer Foundation submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS

February 2024

Inclusive disability housing, efficient support and better outcomes for NDIS participants in rural, regional and remote Australia – Summer Foundation submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS

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The Summer Foundation is pleased to make a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS on NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia. The complexity of the NDIS system creates additional disadvantages and barriers for people with disability living in rural, regional and remote locations where there may be a lack of quality housing and supports available. This often means that NDIS participants in these locations are not able to benefit from the NDIA and are not supported to achieve their goals. These inequities make the NDIS less effective for them and often results in reduced support, misused or wasted NDIS resources and poor outcomes for NDIS participants and their families.


Authentic collaboration between government and the sector will support innovation in cost-effective housing and living solutions that improve the outcomes of people with disability no matter where they live. The Summer Foundation has been partnering with people with disability in the co-design, implementation and evaluation of strategies, to ensure the developed solutions systematically improve housing and living outcomes for people with disability.

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