Factors that influence the quality of paid disability support for adults with acquired neurological disability: Scoping review and preliminary interview findings

September 2021

Factors that influence the quality of paid disability support for adults with acquired neurological disability: Scoping review and preliminary interview findings
Tags: disability support
Theoretically, individualised funding schemes empower people with disability (PWD) to choose high quality support services in line with their needs and preferences. Given the importance of support, the aim of the scoping review and in-depth interviews was to understand the factors that influence the quality of paid disability support for adults with acquired neurological disability from the perspective of PWD, close others and disability support workers (DSWs). A comprehensive scoping review of the published literature from 2009-2019 was conducted on five databases. In-depth interviews were conducted with people with acquired neurological disabilities, close others and DSWs to obtain their perspective on what influences the quality of paid disability support.
Topping, M., Douglas, J., Winkler, D., (2021). Factors that influence the quality of paid disability support for adults with acquired neurological disability scoping review and preliminary interview findings. Paper presented at the 6th Pacific Rim Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment, and Australian Psychological Society’s College of Clinical Neuropsychologists.