Co-designing with adults with acquired neurological disability in the community: a scoping review protocol

December 2022

Co-designing with adults with acquired neurological disability in the community: a scoping review protocol
Tags: disability support
Co-designing healthcare research and health services is becoming increasingly prominent. Co-design invites people with disability to leverage their lived experience knowledge to improve service provision, as well as ensuring meaningful and relevant research. Given the emerging nature of the use of co-design with adults with neurological disability, well-defined guidelines on best practice are yet to be developed. The aim of this scoping review is to synthesise available peer-reviewed literature which investigates the use of co-design in research and/or service development with adults who have an acquired neurological disability and live within the community. The findings of this review will help to guide future co-design practice, ensuring people with acquired neurological disability are best supported and engaged in the process.
D’Cruz, K., Antonopoulos, S., Rothman, R., Douglas, J., Winkler, D., & Oliver, S. (2022). Co-designing with adults with acquired neurological disability in the community: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open.