Budgetary impacts of timely specialist disability accommodation payment approvals
August 2022
Budgetary impacts of timely specialist disability accommodation payment approvals
Tags: Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
The Summer Foundation presents a discussion paper about the importance of getting eligible NDIS participants into well designed, appropriate SDA in a timely manner.
Research indicates NDIS participants living in well-designed, appropriate SDA have improved health and well-being. Additionally, it has the potential to reduce overall costs to the NDIS, due to a reduction in the need for costly supports.
Currently delays in SDA funding are restricting the continued flow of participants into SDA and led to more than 1,000 NDIS participants stuck in hospital beds. This has presented a significant burden on the health system, especially during the pandemic.
Winkler, D., & Rathbone, A. (2022). Budgetary impact of timely specialist disability accommodation payment approvals: Discussion paper. Summer Foundation.