Group 3

Penny’s story

In 2009 Penny suffered a stroke. Four years later a motor vehicle accident caused further injury.

Through her NDIS plan Penny was funded for home and car modifications, support hours and equipment.

Her first plan increased her independence and social interactions – she says:[it was] a good package and opened up my world. I felt liberated.

However, at subsequent reviews items were removed. Penny’s informal supports had also broken down in the meantime and despite needing additional support hours, her package was reduced. Getting less support at home resulted in more frequent hospital admissions
for Penny.

Penny has been forced to pay for the community nursing and items not covered by health or disability funding out of her own pocket, which means less money for food and other essentials.

Penny has worked in the disability sector for a number of years, so is well informed and has a good understanding of the sector, but she too has had to work tirelessly to navigate the health and disability systems.

Penny will be speaking about her discharge experiences with the NDIS at the upcoming Annual Public Forum
on October 11.

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