Group 3

In the media

aged care

Australians living with disability enter aged care as last resort

Source: Disability Support Guide –David McManus
Three disability advocacy groups — Synapse, Youngcare and the Summer Foundation — have penned a letter to National Disability Insurance Minister Bill Shorten, Aged Care Minister Anika Wells and Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth, to address growing concerns of young Australians living with disability being placed into aged care.
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Get young disabled out of nursing homes, Shorten told

Source: The Australian – Sarah Ison | Photo: Martin Ollman
A coalition of disability organisations is warning the government is on track to fail its target of having no young disabled people in nursing homes by 2025 and has called for a clear plan to achieve the goal recommended by the Royal Commission into aged care.
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Too many young dying in aged care

Source: The Australian – Sarah Ison
More than 10,000 younger people have died in residential aged care over the past decade, with new figures prompting calls for the government to implement ambitious timeframes to get ­people under 65 out of aged care and into suitable accommodation.
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