Dr Di Winkler AM

Dr Di Winkler AM
CEO, Founder and Executive Director
PhD, GAICD, BAppSc (Occ Ther), Grad Dip Neuroscience, Grad Dip AppSc (Comp Sci), Master of Applied Science
Di Winkler is an occupational therapist who initially worked with people with severe brain injury. Di started a PhD and then established the Summer Foundation in January 2006 after becoming frustrated by the lack of appropriate housing and support for young people with disability. She completed her PhD in 2012 on the topic of Younger People Living in Nursing Homes. The Summer Foundation is changing systems to ensure people with disability and complex support needs have access to high quality housing options that enhance health, wellbeing, and participation.
In 2018 Di was conferred with a Doctor of Laws honoris causa from Monash University for her distinguished service to the community through her leadership as a practicing occupational therapist and researcher.
In 2019 Di was appointed as a member (AM) of the Order of Australia (General Division) for significant service to people with disability. Di is the Chief Executive Officer at the Summer Foundation and leads the Research Unit. She has authored more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Living with Disability Research Centre at La Trobe University. Di also sits on the Board of Liverty Housing Ltd.