Welcome to our spring update. It has been an exciting time for us with the Aged Care Royal Commission hearings in Melbourne focused on young people in aged care.
Welcome to our 2019 Spring Update
You’re invited to the Summer Foundation’s Annual Public Forum
This year’s Summer Foundation Annual Public Forum comes at an important time. Systems must change to keep young people out of aged care. And these systems are being influenced and are changing in ways we’ve never seen before.
More than 800 people visited our Rapid Interim Housing prototype when it was displayed in Melbourne and Geelong in July and August.
Our UpSkill program to build the capacity of the support coordination workforce and allied health professionals is going from strength to strength.
The Summer Foundation is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Allen Martin Research Scholarship 2019, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Kew and Robinson Gill Lawyers.
The Summer Foundation’s interaction with the Aged Care Royal Commission ramped up in September when we lodged our submission and CEO Luke Bo’sher appeared at the commission’s Melbourne hearings.
The publication earlier this year of Kim MacIntosh’s book “Full Circle – Overcoming Disability through Faith” is just the latest in an impressive list of life goals achieved by the Summer Foundation storyteller.
The Summer Foundation has been funded to deliver a national Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Quality and Safeguards Education Project.