Using the Knowledge to Action framework to improve housing and support for people with Multiple Sclerosis

August 2024

Using the Knowledge to Action framework to improve housing and support for people with Multiple Sclerosis
Tags: disability support, housing
People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have unique housing and support needs that are essential for maintaining independence at home; however, there is limited research to guide the design of community living options for this population. The aim of this study was to examine housing and support needs and preferences of people with MS with the intention to inform the planning of a co-designed intervention based on the study’s findings.
Lee Cubis, Megan Topping, Sharyn McDonald, Fiona Fisher E, Pamela Dean, Kate D’Cruz, Robin Ramme, Di Winkler, and Jacinta Douglas. Using the Knowledge to Action framework to improve housing and support for people with Multiple Sclerosis.