Reasonable and Necessary: Making Sense of the NDIS is a podcast series by the Summer Foundation, hosted by Dr George Taleporos.
Each podcast episode aims to simplify the NDIS for participants, their families and anyone supporting NDIS participants to work their way through the system.
10 DECEMBER 2024
Reasonable & Necessary with Dr George Taleporos
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George is joined by Rod Davies, CEO of One2One. We learn how aIn the latest episode of Reasonable & Necessary, we learn how a lifelong relationship with a childhood friend sparked One2One CEO Rod Davies’ passion to deliver truly person-centered housing and support solutions for people with disability.
Previous episodes
Exclusive Interview with NDIA CEO: Explaining the Changes to the NDIS
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George is joined by Rebecca Falkingham, CEO of the National Disability Insurance Agency. In this exclusive interview, they talk through the changes to the NDIS Act that come into effect today and explain what these changes mean for participants.
Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
NDIS Individualised Living Options: Beyond the group home model
On the NEW episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George meets Dr Sam Bennett from the Grattan Institute to discuss his new report on reforming NDIS housing and support: https://grattan.edu.au/report/better-safer-more-sustainable-how-to-reform-ndis-housing-and-support/
He is also joined by Nicole Cox from MyPlace, an organisation that has been supporting people with disabilities to establish and maintain individualised home and living solutions for almost 30 years.
How can we help more people with disabilities escape from group homes and live more inclusive lives in the community? Let’s find out!
Narrowing our NDIS: Are “support lists” an innovation killer?
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George meets Sam Paior from The Growing Space and Chris Coombes from DSC. They discuss the Government’s attempt to redefine what the NDIS will pay for. They examine the draft lists of NDIS supports and consider what should and should not be included. They also discuss some of the unintended consequences of narrowing the definition of an NDIS support.
Deep Dive with Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosemary Kayess
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George meets with Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosemary Kayess. They chat about her fight for disability rights on the world stage and what she thinks about changes to the NDIS back home. They also cover the disability Royal Commission and the Disability Discrimination Act.
Rosemary calls for minimum accessibility standards for all new housing, an end to segregation, and a human rights-based approach across all government policy.
Planned changes to the NDIS unpacked with Senator Steele-John
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George meets with Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John to understand his position on the changes to the NDIS legislation that are currently before Parliament. The Senator expresses concerns and why he believes these changes will negatively impact participants. He explains his thinking behind this position and why the changes may result in less choice and control for NDIS participants.
Changes to the NDIS Act Explained with Expert Lawyers
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George meets with disability law experts Mitchell Skipsey, and Dr. Darren O’Donovan to understand the changes to the NDIS Act.
They explore the reasons for the changes, and how the various changes may impact on NDIS participants. The conversation highlights the importance of involving people with disabilities in the decision-making process and ensuring that the changes lead to positive outcomes for participants.
The experts emphasise the need for stronger protections to ensure participant choice and control are upheld. The experts suggest some amendments to the Act and encourage listeners to engage in the Senate inquiry and make submissions to express their views and concerns.
Meet the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George meets with the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce to understand the role of the taskforce and learn if changes to registration requirements will impact on our rights to choice and control in the NDIS.
Download transcript
To learn more check out the website below: https://www.dss.gov.au/disability-and-carers-standards-and-quality-assurance/ndis-provider-and-worker-registration-taskforce
Deep Dive into the NDIS Review – Part 2: Assessments, Navigators and Psychosocial supports
In Part 2 we explore assessments, navigators and psychosocial supports – an in-depth, no holds barred examination of the most controversial NDIS Review recommendations.
Download transcript
Deep Dive into the NDIS Review – Part 1: What happened to participant choice and control?
What happens when you bring together Australia’s leading disability advocates and academics to dive deep into the recommendations by the NDIS Review? To find out check out this episode of Reasonable & Necessary for an in depth, no holds barred examination of the most controversial NDIS Review recommendations. In this 1st part, the panel examines mandatory provider registration and the recommendation that participants who need 24/7 support should be funded to share with 2 other NDIS participants. What does this all mean for participant choice and control?

Interested in finding out about being part of the Reasonable & Necessary podcast, including available opportunities?
Your Guide to the NDIS Review: Experts Have Their Say
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George brings together Australia’s leading disability advocates to unpack the NDIS Review. Dr George, along with El Gibbs, Nick Avery, Jarrod Sandell-Hay and Sam Paior will guide you through all the big changes that are proposed, and what they might mean for you.
NDIS and the Law: Interview with Natalie Wade, Equality Lawyers
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George speaks with disability rights lawyer Natalie Wade, about NDIS appeals, the NDIS Review and her nationally televised speech on the ABC.
NDIS Review: Big Changes Revealed with Co-Chairs Bruce and Lisa
On this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Professor Bruce Bonyhady and Lisa Paul give their final interview and reveal major changes that will be recommended in the NDIS Review final report. This is a must see episode for anyone interested in the NDIS.
Disability Royal Commission: Interview with Former Commissioner Alastair McEwin
On this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George speaks to Alastair McEwin, Former Commissioner, Disability Royal Commission about what the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability will mean for the disability community.
Redesigning NDIS 2.0 with Simon Duffy, an international perspective
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George speaks with international expert on self-directed disability supports and citizenship, Dr Simon Duffy and NDIS participant and researcher Dr Mark Brown about their new report “Redesigning the NDIS”. The report highlights the need for a sustainable NDIS, built through co-design with reliable personal budgets and peer support at the centre. It was written to stimulate discussion and debate in the disability community about NDIS 2.0, 3.0 and beyond.
Challenging NDIS decisions: Expert advice to get the support you need
On this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, Dr George speaks with Mitchell Skipsey from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and NDIS participant and activist, Felice Vaiani, about NDIS appeals and what to do when your NDIS plan doesn’t meet your needs. This episode is full of lots of great advice, and important things to consider when appealing NDIS decisions.
You can also check out a new resource series created by the Housing Hub and PIAC teams on Challenging NDIS Decisions. These resources cover a range of interesting topics including how to request a review of an NDIS decision that you don’t agree with, how to apply to the AAT for an external review, how to find out the reasons behind an NDIS decision, how to request access to documents from the NDIS and how to ask for more time to apply to the AAT. You can access the resources here: www.housinghub.org.au/resources/article/challenging-ndis-decisions
NDIS and Employment: Using your funding to land your dream job
On this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George speaks with Donna Purcell and Jeannie Hodges from the NDIA & CEO of Hazzah & NDIS participant Ben Paior-Smith to find out how you can use your NDIS funding to find and maintain employment. We also look at what employers can do to get more disabled people into work.
NDIS Review: Exclusive First Interview with Co-Chairs Bruce and Lisa
On this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George speaks with Professor Bruce Bonyhady AM and Ms Lisa Paul AO PSM in this exclusive first interview about the NDIS Review and what the NDIS might look like in the future.
To have your say on the NDIS Review visit www.ndisreview.gov.au
NDIS Budget 2023: Cuts & Caps, Targets & Reforms with Bill Shorten
On this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George speaks with Minister Bill Shorten about the 2023 NDIS budget to understand what the budget will mean for people with disabilities and our families. Is there a cap on the NDIS, will our funding packages be cut and will it be harder to get onto the NDIS? You will get the answers to these questions and more.
How to get great outcomes from your NDIS plan – A Self-management Deep Dive
Unregistered NDIS providers: What participants really think
NDIS fraud and dodgy providers – Tips to protect your plan
Meet the new CEO of the NDIA – Exclusive first interview with Rebecca Falkingham
“At first I said No!” – NDIS Chair Kurt Fearnley reveals all in this exclusive interview
When NDIS services turn bad – Interview with NDIS Commissioner Tracy Mackey
What does good NDIS support look like?
VIDEO PODCAST: 19 September 2022
In this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George speaks with Megan Topping (La Trobe University PhD research student) and Carl Thompson (NDIS participant and director of support coordination provider ‘Sort Your Support’) about what NDIS participants really want from support workers.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
NDIS deep dive: Interview with Minister Bill Shorten
VIDEO PODCAST: 18 August 2022
In this episode of Reasonable and Necessary Dr George follows up with the newly elected Minister about what he’s learned about the NDIS since taking over, and what he’s going to do to rebuild it now that he’s in charge. Fixing the issue of people stuck in hospital, bringing forward the 10-year review and restructuring the appeals process are just a few of the topics they cover.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Our Relationships with the NDIS – what makes them work or fall apart?
VIDEO PODCAST: 30 June 2022
In research by the Summer Foundation and La Trobe University, participants revealed that their relationship with the NDIA needs repairing – most had lost confidence and trust in the NDIA. Many recognised that they can’t opt out of this relationship, so with the appointment of a new government, many participants are optimistic that the time may be right for an honest dialogue between all parties about the future of the NDIS.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Election 2022 and the NDIS: Disability Advocates Have Our Say
VIDEO PODCAST: 16 May 2022
Dr George Taleporos speaks to a panel of disability advocates, where they examine the topics discussed in the previous episodes of the election series. They cover all things NDIS – funding cuts, operational issues, workforce, cost versus value and the damage of a ‘cost-first’ mentality.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Election 2022 and the NDIS: Interview with Bill Shorten, MP
VIDEO PODCAST: 13 May 2022
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Shadow Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten in today’s episode of Reasonable & Necessary. Mr Shorten talks about his plans for the NDIS if he’s elected and how he plans to bring more people with disability into administering the NDIS, how they plan to make the NDIS more sustainable and how a Labor government plans to stop blanket cuts to participants’ plans.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Election 2022 and the NDIS: Interview with Senator Jordon Steele-John
VIDEO PODCAST: 11 May 2022
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Senator Jordon Steele-John about his vision for the NDIS and how important it will be to restore it to a person-centred Scheme. The Senator talks about resourcing the NDIS with the appropriate staff infrastructure, and ensuring that people with disability are strongly represented on the board of the NDIS.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Election 2022 and the NDIS: Minister Reynold’s on her priorities for the NDIS
In the first episode of our election special, Dr George Taleporos talks to the Hon Linda Reynolds, Minister for the NDIS. In this important conversation, Minister Reynolds talks through her priorities for the NDIS if re-elected, which include participant-centred reforms, extra funding and reducing wait times around housing and support decisions.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Why are so many people stuck in hospital waiting for NDIS decisions?
VIDEO PODCAST: 29 April 2022
In this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, we meet NDIS participant Leila Bowheen who has been stuck in hospital for almost a year, waiting for housing and support. We also talk to Adam Horsburgh, CEO at the Austin Hospital for his take on the problem and how it can be solved
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
How people with disability can access free rapid antigen tests
VIDEO PODCAST: 3 March 2022
In this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, George is speaking with Therese Clark from Barwon Health to find out how people with disability (PWD) can access free rapid antigen tests (RAT) through the Victorian Government Disability Liaison Officer service.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
NDIS: An inside look at what’s new in 2022
VIDEO PODCAST: 22 February 2022
In this episode of Reasonable & Necessary, George is speaking with NDIA CEO Martin Hoffman about what’s new in the NDIS for 2022. We talk about codesign, NDIS appeals, COVID-19 and much more.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud, iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Spotify.
Special series: Living with COVID
How people with disabilities can stay safe as Australia learns to live with COVID-19.
Episodes in this series
COVID passports and planning for the possibility of ending up in hospital
In this final episode of the Reasonable and Necessary COVID-19 series, Dr George Taleporos speaks to Linda Hughes, parent to a man who has complex needs. They go into detail about why it’s so important to make a plan for ‘COVID-normal’, and the most useful tools that will help you plan for the ‘what ifs’.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
I got vaccinated and didn’t have to leave the house!
In this episode of Reasonable and Necessary, Dr George Taleporos gets vaccinated without leaving the house and then speaks to the Disability Liaison Officer, who can help people to get vaccinated. This interview was recorded on 19 November 2021.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
Are the human rights of people with disabilities being protected during the pandemic?
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Australia’s Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Dr. Ben Gauntlett about the human rights impact of the pandemic.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
I got COVID and was forced into hospital
Dr George Taleporos speaks to anti-violence and disability advocate Anj Barker about her experience of catching COVID and being forced into hospital.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
Vaccination for people with complex needs and tips to stay safe from COVID
Dr George Taleporos speaks to The Chair of Disability and Health, University of Melbourne, Professor Anne Kavanagh, about vaccination for people with with complex needs and tips to stay safe from COVID-19.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
Rapid Antigen testing for disability support workers, vaccination and much more…
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd about rapid antigen testing in the disability sector, vaccination, when there is a substitute decision maker, and much more.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
What role do disability service providers have in keeping people safe and getting us vaccinated?
Dr George Taleporos speaks to the acting NDIS Commissioner, Samantha Taylor about mandatory vaccination and the role of disability service providers in supporting us to stay safe through the pandemic.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
How can I use my NDIS supports flexibly to stay safe from COVID?
Dr George Taleporos speaks to the Deputy CEO of the NDIA, Lisa Studdert about the role of the NDIS in supporting people through the pandemic.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts).
More video podcasts
View our previous video podcast series
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
Interview with Shadow Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten
Dr George Taleporos speaks to NDIS Shadow Minister Bill Shorten on what it took to create the NDIS and where it may be heading.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Download transcript.
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
What should come next for the NDIS?
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Senator Jordon Steele-John on what we need to do to get the NDIS back on track.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Download transcript.
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
Interview with Minister Linda Reynolds
Dr George Taleporos speaks to NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds about recent and upcoming changes to the scheme.
You can download and listen to the audio version on SoundCloud or iTunes (Apple Podcasts) or Download transcript.
Click the image above to watch the
video or watch the video on YouTube.
The future for the NDIS
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Martin Hoffman, NDIA CEO about Independent Assessments and Personalised Budgets.
You can download and listen to the audio only on SoundCloud and on iTunes (Apple podcasts) or Download the transcript
A conversation with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Dr George Taleporos speaks to NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner, Graeme Head and Registrar, Samantha Taylor about the issues and challenges facing the SDA sector.
What is the government planning to do to the NDIS?
Dr George Taleporos speaks to Legal Expert Darren O’Donovan, Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University about the draft changes to the NDIS Act that were leaked.
Previous audio podcast series
Series 6 – Welcome Home – training for SDA providers
These podcast episodes are part of the Welcome Home – Compliance training for SDA providers project.
Episode 1
Providers speak: What it takes to deliver quality outcomes in the SDA market – with Queenie Tran, Chief Operating Officer, Summer Housing and Tom Worsnop, Tenant Outcomes Manager, Guardian Living (5 May 2021)
Episode 2
Tenants speak: What it’s like living in SDA & what it takes to move into independent living – Belinda Aitken, Lived Experience Facilitator and SDA Reference Group Lead, Summer Foundation and Kim, an SDA tenant. (5 May 2021)
Episode 3
A conversation with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: Issues and challenges facing the SDA sector – with Graeme Head and Samantha Taylor (5 May 2021)
Series 5 – Getting great outcomes for all NDIS participants
Series 5 of Reasonable and Necessary was made with the support of the Victorian Government.
Episode 1
Talking ethnicity, culture and the NDIS – with Sophie Dutertre from the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, and NDIS participant Julie Duong (28 May 2020)
Episode 2
Talking support coordination, what it takes to be a support coordinator and how to run a support coordination business – with Jess Stubbins from Ablelink (17 July 2020)
Episode 3
Support coordinators getting great outcomes for people who have complex needs – with Linda Hughes, Brigette Kirkpatrick and Marnie Baulch (26 October 2020)
Episode 4
Understanding Individual Living Options – with UpSkill lead Linda Hughes and My Supports CEO Terry Mader (18 November 2020)
Series 4 – Staying safe during COVID-19
Episode 1
Juggling support workers, finding supplies and social distancing – with Jarrod Sandell-Hay, NDIS Participant and Freelance Photographer (3 April 2020)
Episode 2
Avoiding Coronavirus and what the government needs to do – with Professor Anne Kavanagh, Professor of Disability and Health at the University of Melbourne (14 April 2020)
Episode 3
Making sure you and your support workers know how to stay safe – with support coordinator and NDIS participant Kelly Cox (16 April 2020)
Episode 4
NDIS funding flexibility, plan reviews and more – with Campaign Director at Every Australian Counts Kirsten Deane (17 April 2020)
Episode 5
From the world epicentre of the virus – with New York resident, disability rights lawyer and Director of Policy at Concepts of Independence T.K. Small (22 April 2020)
Episode 6
Holding support providers to account – with NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner Graeme Head (28 April 2020)
Series 3 – Talking to the experts
Episode 1
How we can make the NDIS work better for everyone – with Kirsten Dean, Campaign director of Every Australian Counts (22 February 2019)
Episode 2
How the NDIS can better support people with complex needs – with Sarah Forbes, Advocacy Manager at VALID (3 March 2019)
Episode 3
What it takes to achieve great outcomes with the NDIS with Les Cope (8 March 2019)
Episode 4
Insights into Specialist Disability Accommodation – with Luke Bo’sher and Alecia Rathbone of the Summer Foundation (14 March 2019)
Episode 5
Q & A with the NDIA – with Maryanne Diamond AO, General Manager, Community Linkages and Engagement at the National Disability Insurance Agency (12 April 2019)
Series 2 – How the NDIS is evolving
Episode 1
The NDIS 5 years on – with the Honourable Jenny Macklin MP
Episode 2
Staying Safe and Building Quality into NDIS Services – with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner, Graeme Head
Episode 3
Support Coordination – with Sam Paior, Support Coordinator from the Growing Space
Episode 4
Self-managing your NDIS plan – with Sam Paior, Support Coordinator from the Growing Space
Episode 5
The NDIS and Health Interface – with Cath Bucolo, Clinical Practice Leader at the Summer Foundation
Series 1 – Planning, housing and working with the NDIS
Episode 1
Everything you ever wanted to know about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Episode 2
How to go about your making your NDIS Plan, with Dr George and Penny Paul
Episode 3
The NDIS and housing, with Dr George and Penny Paul
Episode 4
What to do if you’re not happy with your NDIS Plan, with Dr George and Chris Thwaites
Episode 5
Using the NDIS to get you moving, with Dr George and Chris Thwaites