Group 3

Personal Protective Equipment Q&A with Kirby

Q: What has been your biggest concern during the COVID-19 pandemic?

My biggest worry is getting COVID-19, because I have no idea and no control over who people who come into my home are mixing with outside my home. I worry someone will have come into contact with COVID-19 and then I will get it. It was really difficult to get masks, gloves or hand sanitiser.

Q: Why is having easy access to PPE important to you?

Because it hard to access anything especially PPE. PPE protects me from catching COVID-19 and I feel safer when people are at least wearing masks when they are in close contact with me.

Q: As restrictions are eased around Australia, many are starting to enjoy the freedom they had prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The reality for many people with disability is that they will remain in isolation until a vaccine is available. Will you continue to self-isolate until a vaccine is developed and why?
I don’t mind being in my home, because I am safe and I keep in contact with friends and therapists via the internet.

I would like to stay home, but it might not be convenient because I want to get back to gym and volunteering at my school so I can get back to work, which was on the cards before the the Corona virus put my life on hold.

It scares me a bit to go back out into the community though.

Q: Do you feel you will have an ongoing need to source PPE?

Yes, because as people venture out and mix with more people, there will be a greater risk of COVID-19 spreading back into the community and so more risk of contracting COVID–19. I need my support workers to use PPE to ensure I am as safe as I can be.

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